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Have you ever heard the phrase, “Food for thought”?

Just as we have food that feeds our bodies we also have food that feeds our thoughts (a part of the soul).

Our thoughts are fed by the things we hear, see, touch, taste, and smell.

Jesus says we can’t live just by feeding our physical bodies.

He also says we can’t live by feeding our thoughts on unhealthy food.

He says that feeding our thoughts with His Word brings life. What is life??

Life defined in the Greek means to have POWER IN OUR EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS.

Matthew 4:4

Man shall not live (HAVE POWER IN THE EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS) by bread alone, but by every Word (DECLARATIONS, IDEAS, AND THOUGHTS) that proceeds out of the mouth of God (our FATHER).

Feeding our thoughts with His Word will give life (POWER IN YOUR EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS).

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