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Have you wondered why there is so much EVIL, CONFUSION, CRAZINESS, and WEAKNESS in our society?

Do you agree – we need POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND?

Let us examine the story of Timothy.

Timothy was a child without a father in his life, physically. We don’t know why.

Timothy had two powerful women of faith in his life, his grandmother, Lois and mother, Eunice. Because of their faith, Timothy at a young age, also had faith.

God sent Timothy a SPIRITUAL father. His name was Paul. Paul was a preacher, apostle, and a teacher.

Timothy and Paul were very close.

When Timothy was a teenager, Paul mentored Timothy in the faith, laying hands on him and praying that God would stir up the gifts that were in Timothy.

They both were in tears when Paul parted to evangelize.

While evangelizing, Paul was put into prison for standing up for truth. He wrote Timothy letters from prison.

Paul told Timothy in his letter, “I’m not afraid. Our Savior, Jesus Christ defeated death! The spirit of fear is not from God! God gives us POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND”.

He said, “Never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for Him. God called us to live a Holy [Morally Blameless] life.”

Paul told Timothy with confidence, “I know who I believe in, and I am convinced that HE is able to keep that which I have given to Him until the day He returns.”

God demonstrated POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND through Paul, and Paul taught Timothy how to have these things.

Paul gave Timothy instructions:

1. Hold onto the sound doctrine that I taught you. (Sound doctrine is not mixed with error).
2. The good gifts that was given to you, KEEP them, GUARD them, PROTECT them, with the help of the Holy Spirit that lives within you. (Do not let the world corrupt the gifts!).

This chapter has so many lessons for our day and time. These questions arise:

1. Where are the praying grandmothers?
2. Where are the praying mothers?
3. Where are the spiritual fathers?
4. Where are the preachers, teachers, and apostles who are not afraid to stand for truth to the point of imprisonment?
5. Are we ashamed to tell others about our Lord?
6. Are we living morally blameless lives?
7. Do we know WHO we believe in?
8. Are we convinced that GOD has everything under control?
9. Have we committed everything to God?
10. Are we holding onto sound teaching from the Word?
11. Are we guarding the gifts inside given by the Holy Spirit?
12. Do we have POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND?

2 Timothy 1

Dedicated to Pastor Jan. Thank you Pastor Jan and Vera Goodman for a beautiful message.

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